
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

International Award to Aristotle University Employee and teacher for Website

Katie Quartano, an administrative employee at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, northern Greece, and Paul Shaw an English language teacher received by the British Council an award for their website “Disabled Access Friendly”. Their website provides free teaching material for  English language teachers,  while it raises awareness on physical disability issues. The website competed with hundreds of other sites in the 12th «ELTons 2014 award for Innovation in Teacher Resources» competition which took place in London.  The competition was dedicated to innovation and creativity in English language teaching and was supported by the Cambridge English Language Assessment. “The particularity of this website is that it promotes topics related to physical disability, in order to inform and stimulate students to talk about the problems people with physical disabilities face,  infrastructure problems, social behavior etc.”said Katie Quartano.  Paul Shaw the co-creator of this innovative website is himself a disabled person. The judges described the winner website as “a great initiative to embed useful social content into mainstream English language teaching lessons”. It is estimated that last year alone about 19,000 teachers in over 110 countries across the world visited this website.  Free online teaching material is available through the website