
Monday, June 2, 2014

Historic Publisher Mania Karaitidi Passes Away

Publishers and readers mourn the loss of the beloved Mania (Marina) Karaitidi, head of the Estia publishing house. The “mother of publishers” was active in the book industry since 1972 when she took over Estia Publishing house. She was the one who responsible for making the bold decision of moving the bookstore to Solonos Street in 1978 creating new geographical borders in the world of literature and thought. She gained power in a male-dominated labor sector and became a legendary figure. During her time as head of Estia, the  bookstore’s list was enriched with “Loxandra” and other books by Maria Iordanidou as well as works of Petros Tatsopoulos, Christos Chomenidis, Faidonas Tamvakakis and Christos Vakalopoulos. Marina Karaitidis was awarded for her overall contribution to literature with the Order of Merit by the French Government in a ceremony held at the French Embassy on April 4, 2000. Mania Karaitidi will be buried on Wednesday at the First Cemetery in Athens, Greece.