
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Hellenic Motor Museum Presents Made in Greece Car Exhibition

On the question “how many cars do think have been manufactured in Greece ?” most Greek citizens would probably reply “None.” However, the case is rather different as proven by the thematic exhibition “Made in Hellas” organized by the Hellenic Motor Museum, opened on Thursday June 5 and will last until the end of the month. The exhibition was the idea of the founder of the Museum, Theodore Charagionis. Fifty percent of the cars on display are part of the Museum’s own collection, while the other half is contributed by the Automobile and Touring Club of Greece (ELPA), the Antique Car Club of Greece (FILPA) and by other individual contributors. The aim of the exhibition is to present vehicles that have any relationship with Greece, whether they were made or designed in Greece or whether they are designed or manufactured by Greeks abroad. The exhibition includes widely known models like the Nissan Sunny, which was manufactured in Greece from 1981 until 1995 and of course, the legendary Mini, which was wholly designed by Alexandros Issigonis. In the “Made by Hellas” exhibition many variations of the particular car are displayed. Other cars that enrich the exhibition are the Fiat Barchetta, one of the many models designed by Andreas Zapatinas, and who would know that the creator of the modern Audi A3, Gary Telaak, comes from Thessaloniki? Or that a small electric car named Enfield E800 was designed during the 1970’s in Greece? Ηowever, most vehicles manufactured in Greece belong to the category of small professional cars. A visitor of the exhibition “Made by Hellas” has the opportunity to admire models like the Pony, Zebra and Renault Farma and lesser known models like the Sherpa and the Farmobil 700. The well-known mechanical engineer, Dimitris Korres, will also participate in the exhibition with three prototype models that precede the famous Korres P4 model. Also single-seat vehicles created by Greek universities and polytechnic schools will be on display. On the stands placed between the exhibits, the visitors can read about the history of each vehicle, as well as, the history of the vehicles that could not be on display, like the Scavas II or the Chicago designed by Giorgos Michail. The exhibition ‘Made by Hellas’ will be accommodated until June 30 on the top floor of the Hellenic Motor Museum in Athens. The general entry fee is 8€, whereas the reduced fee for students, children, the elderly and groups of more than four people is 5€. (By Dimitra Paganopoulou)