
Friday, June 20, 2014

‘Hangover Holiday’ Campaign in Zakynthos

The deputy head of the British Embassy, Andrew Staunton arrived today, June 20, at the Greek island of Zakynthos to launch for the 2nd year in a row, the “Hangover Holiday” campaign. Last year, the British Embassy launched the “Hangover Holiday” campaign in Greece, for the awareness of young British tourists, with great success. The purpose of Staunton’s visit is the cooperation between the British embassy and local institutions in dealing with the problems British tourists cause during the summer season.  For the second year, the main topic of the discussion will be youth tourism, due to their extreme behavior on the streets and beaches of the popular Greek island of Zakynthos. The campaign “Hangover Holiday” aims to raise awareness of young tourists on the possible consequences of excessive alcohol consumption or driving under the influence of alcohol. The British Embassy in an effort to encourage a more responsible behavior, informs young British tourists through its website, with emergency phone numbers and other useful information.