
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

German Magazine Praises Theocharis

German magazine Focus is praising Haris Theocharis and is criticizing the Greek government, describing his removal from the General Secretariat of Public Revenue as a “political farce.” A recent article titled “Too successful. Greece removes the superior tax collector” says Haris Theocharis was too good for Greece. According to the article, the former General Secretary of Public Revenue is “the man Greece urgently needs.” The article points out that the Greek crisis is largely due to the extensive tax evasion. “Haris Theocharis came to change this,” the article mentions, adopting the view of the former General Secretary of Revenue who claims that his removal was due to political  reasons and had nothing to do with his performance. Focus, citing Greek publications, claims that the order for Theocharis‘ removal came from above. According to the magazine, Theocharis was forced to submit his resignation by the former Finance Minister, Yannis Stournaras. The article states that neither the Greek Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras nor Yannis Stournaras could fire Theocharis, as his contract was to expire in February 2018. Moreover the position of the General Secretary of Public Revenue was created by Greece’s foreign lenders and was independent from the Greek government. Finally the article refers to his achievements while in office and points out that Theodoros Pangalos believes that Greece achieved a primary surplus thanks to Theocharis.