
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Five Suspects to Testify on 1.1 Tons of Heroin

After a major drug bust in the Filothei suburb of Athens, Greek police has seized almost 1.1 tons of heroin and arrested twelve people in total, five of which will be summoned to testify before an Athens prosecutor on Tuesday, June 17. According to reports, among the people arrested are a prominent 40-year old businessman identified as E.G, his former wife, and her current partner. Her 73-year old mother and the Bulgarian housekeeper in the Filothei villa where the heroin was hidden are also involved in the case. The 15-year old businessman’s son was released after being held in custody because the police found four text messages in his mobile that were sent to an accomplice urging him to “disappear.” Greek police in co-operation with the US Drug Enforcement Administration arrested another five suspect heroin traffickers for a half-ton packages of  heroin kept in a Koropi warehouse, northeast of Athens. The authorities have their nationalities given in public, saying the suspects are all Turks with Belgian citizenship. The last one of the eleven suspects, is a 29-year-old Albanian who turned himself in to the Greek police on Sunday. All bank accounts, property and assets of the Greek businessman, his former wife, and her relatives are being thoroughly investigated to uncover further information about their illegal financial activities. According to sources, their names are also found in the famous Lagarde list containing Greeks who hold Swiss accounts to evade taxation. The Greek police authorities operated after having received information from US authorities about a heroin shipment that was due to reach Belgium from Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan via Greece. The drug ring is believed to have operated the warehouse in Koropi in order to receive and hide the shipment, label it as “rice from Pakistan” and then ship it to Belgium in trucks.