
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Catarrhal Fever Threatens Sheep in Peloponnese

An outbreak of catarrhal fever disease among sheep in southern Greece has spread all over the Peloponnese region with dozens of herds flocks being infected, authorities announced on Friday. The regional council convened in the presence of stock breeders from the region in order to discuss the situation and decide on emergency measures. It is reported that the virus spread through an insect and does not affect humans. The director of the Region’s Veterinary Service said that the contagion is spreading at a fast rate and stressed that 88 herds have been found to be infected in the entire region as of Friday, a number that is expected to climb as inspections continue. A regional official said that in the prefecture of Laconia, 45 herds had been found to be infected on Thursday, reaching 60 on Friday. The regional council approved the signing of a contract with the Peloponnisos S.A. development company in order to implement an integrated program to locate and eliminate the carrier of cattarhal fever in the Peloponnese Region at a cost of 498,000 euros. Authorities said the contract opens the way to map the sheep breeding units and start spraying on Saturday morning, in the hope of preventing further contagion.