
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Artists Taking on the Role of Maria Callas

Many world-renowned stars have expressed their interest in portraying the opera legend Maria Callas, a strong woman with a broken heart, who fell in love with Aristotle Onassis. So, after Marina Abramovic, another strong woman and great artist will star in a film acting in seven operatic deaths of Maria Callas (including the real incident, in her apartment in Paris.) Meryl Streep is working on a film about the famous opera singer, focusing on her relationship with Onassis. The film will be entitled “Master Class” and it is based on a theatrical play of the same title by Terrence McNally. It will be directed by Mike Nichols and it will focus on the life story of famous Greek opera singer, Maria Callas, inspired by her master class lectures at Julliard, in New York in 1971. Filming will begin in 2014 and the movie will be shown on U.S. network HBO. Meanwhile, Faye Dunaway has also been involved in a similar project which has stopped filming for some time and currently there is no scheduled shooting for the time being. Recently, also, Paz Vega, portrayed the role of Maria Callas in the film “Grace of Monaco,” starring Nicole Kidman. However, the most powerful woman of modern art, Marina Abramovic with millions of fans and sworn enemies is preparing her own project about Maria Callas as she stated in a recent interview in Athens. Abramovic always admired Callas, not just as an opera singer but as a personality in general. Her project, which she will be working on for the next three years, is a film with seven different directors, such as Roman Polanski, Pedro Almodovar, and a Greek director who lives in London but his name has not yet been announced. The subject is the death of Maria Callas. The art film will be entitled “7 deaths of Marina Abramovic,” and each part will show a woman dying a tragic death, for example by poison, knife, drowning, or even fire. When thinking of an operatic death, the mind usually goes to Maria Callas. That is why Abramovic chose to have the opera singer witness the deaths in her bathroom mirror, in her apartment in Paris, right before her death by cardiac arrest. According to the artist, she will have to travel to Greece in order to visit various archaeological sites and other points of interest for the film, while she also stressed that she is seeking funding for the film.