
Thursday, June 12, 2014

AP Weekly News Calendar

by  Associated Press AP Weekly News Calendar by The Associated Press, Associated Press - 11 June 2014 20:02-04:00

Thursday, June 12:

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama meets with Australia's prime minister, Tony Abbott.

WASHINGTON — Commerce Department releases retail sales data for May, 8:30 a.m.; Labor Department releases weekly jobless claims, 8:30 a.m.; Freddie Mac releases weekly mortgage rates, 10 a.m.; Commerce Department releases business inventories for April, 10 a.m.

ATHENS, Greece — Trial resumes in the southwestern Greek town of Patras of a strawberry farm owner and three foremen accused of a shotgun attack against a group of Bangladeshi workers protesting unpaid wages in Manolada, southern Greece.

LONDON — The Court of Appeal rules on a bid by prosecutors to hold a terrorism trial entirely in secret on grounds of national security.

PARIS — A Frenchman suspected in the shooting deaths of four people at the Brussels Jewish Museum appears before a Versailles court deciding whether to extradite him.

JERUSALEM — The promoters of Tel Aviv's annual Gay Pride week have been forced to take down a promotional video showing a transgender diva celebrating a bar mitzvah with a group of children in a synagogue after receiving complaints from the youngsters' families.

New Zealand likely to raise benchmark interest rates to 3.25 percent as the country continues to go it alone on rate hikes among developed nations.

Friday, June 13:

WASHINGTON — Labor Department releases the Producer Price Index for May, 8:30 a.m.;

MAFRAQ_Syrian refugee children at Zaatari camp hold a "world cup" football tournament.

Saturday, June 14:

U.S. President Barack Obama delivers the commencement address at the University of California, Irvine.

KABUL — Afghanistan holds decisive second round of presidential elections.

WARSAW, Poland — Thousands of gay rights supporters march in Warsaw's yearly gay pride parade.

DUEDIN — New Zealand and England play a rugby union test match.

MELBOURNE — Australia and France play a rugbybunion test match.

Sunday, June 15:

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia — Andrej Kiska, a successful businessman-turned-philanthropist, will be inaugurated Slovakia's new president. Kiska succeeds Ivan Gasparovic, the only president since independence who has ever been elected to two five-year terms for the mostly ceremonial post.

Monday, June 16:

DUBAI — Dubai Airports CEO Paul Griffiths sits down with an all-formats AP team for newsmaker interview on June 16.

BELGRADE, Serbia — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrives for a two-day visit to Moscow's Balkan ally Serbia, which has refused to introduce EU-backed santions against Russia over Ukraine.

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden visits Brazil, Colombia and the Dominican Republic during the week of JUNE 16.

WASHINGTON — Secretary of State John Kerry hosts a global conference on the oceans and marine issues, through JUNE 17.

WASHINGTON — Supreme Courts issues orders.

WASHINGTON — Federal Reserve releases industrial production for May, 9:15 a.m.; National Association of Home Builders releases housing market index for JUNE, 10 a.m.

Tuesday, June 17:

WASHINGTON — Labor Department releases Consumer Price Index for May, 8:30 a.m.; Commerce Department releases housing starts for May, 8:30 a.m.; Federal Reserve policymakers begin a two-day meeting to set interest rates.

BERLIN — Germany's ZEW institute releases its monthly index of investor confidence in Europe's biggest economy.

Wednesday, June 18:

MADRID — Possible that Crown Prince Felipe could be proclaimed as Spain's next king in Parliament today.

Mauritania holds national elections, though the opposition is expected to boycott the polls.

TRIPOLI — Delegation in Libya meets with a number of political stakeholders to discuss the country's transitional period before the parliamentary elections.

JIDDAH, Saudi Arabia — Annual two-day foreign ministers conference of the OIC.

WASHINGTON — Commerce Department releases current account trade deficit for the first quarter, 8:30 a.m.; Federal Reserve policymakers meet to set interest rates; statement and economic forecast due at 2:00 p.m.; Chairman Ben Bernanke holds press conference at 2:30 p.m.

News Topics: General news, Central bank interest rates, Residential construction, Central banking, Elections, Monetary policy, Economic policy, Economy, Business, Government business and finance, Government and politics, Government policy, Building construction, Construction and engineering, Industrial products and services, Industries, Banking and credit, Financial services

People, Places and Companies: Barack Obama, Tony Abbott, Ivan Gasparovic, Sergey Lavrov, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Ben Bernanke, Poland, Slovakia, Athens, Warsaw, Greece, United States, Eastern Europe, Europe, Western Europe, North America

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