
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Aikaterini Savvaidou Tapped for Public Revenues General Secretary

Greek Finance Minister Gikas Hardouvelis, as head of a five member committee, proposed Aikaterini Savvaidou to be appointed General Secreatary of Public Revenues following the recent resignation of Haris Theoharis. The Cabinet will make the final decision after examining the committee’s recommendation. Aikaterini Savvaidou, who specializes in tax issues, is a successful lawyer, researcher and an experienced professional with a long-lasting career in the private and public sector. She is a lawyer who can stand in the Greek Supreme Court Areios Pagos and a Senior Manager in “PwC-Hellas” company, head of a 100 lawyer group and tax consultants. She is also a Knowledge Manager of the company, which employs almost 900 people. Furthermore, she is a lecturer at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and  professor at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She has also contributed to the establishment of the National Youth Institution of the Ministry of Education (2006-2007). Aikaterini Savvaidou graduated from the Law School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (1995) and has a degree on Academic French Studies (1994-1995), a Master degree on Public Law (1995-1997), a Master degree on Financial and Tax Law, with emphasis on Financial Law and a PhD acquired from Université Paris II (Assas) on Tax Law and Public Revenues Collection entitled “A comparative study on enforceable execution for the collection of Taxes between Greece and France.” She has also made a post-doctorate on Corporate Tax Law and has attended a post-doctorate program at Harvard University on Executive Education, Comparative Tax Policy and Administration.