
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Adonis Georgiadis Appointed Parliamentary Representative

Today, June 12, Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras appointed the former Minister of Health Adonis Georgiadis as the new parliamentary representative as part of the government reshuffle which took place earlier this week. Samaras showed that he still has faith and respect towards Georgiadis and announced the politician’s appointment outside Maximos Mansion. Adonis Georgiadis will therefore be the parliamentary representative for New Democracy for the summer sessions of the Greek Parliament, as well as for the plenary sessions which will restart in October 2014. Georgiadis will be replacing Makis Voridis who has now taken his place at the Greek Ministry of Health. The Prime Minister praised the work of Adonis Georgiadis regarding the health sector reforms and stated that he considers him to be a valuable member of New Democracy. “He is one of the most worthy and capable members of our political party. He is always fighting to make reforms and he has been successful. Therefore, he will be the parliamentary representative for the party during the third summer session in September and then at the plenary sessions,” stated the Greek Prime Minister. During his statement, Adonis Georgiadis said: “The success of reforms is the future of the people and it should be secured,” and added that even though “a lot has been published in the last few days, I want to say that I support the Prime Minister and I am a soldier of the party. I will help in every way I can to ensure the government’s success. I will always be at the disposal of the party, as well as the Prime Minister.”