
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Venizelos Meets With Papoulias to Discuss Election Aftermath

Evangelos Venizelos had announced the meeting with President Karolos Papoulias, where he intended to comment on the statements of SYRIZA leader, Alexis Tsipras and also to propose some ways to “reunite the nation” and maintain stability in the country. Mr. Venizelos wanted to convey the message he understood from the results of the election, which is that “people cannot take anymore, they want to see the results of change.” The PASOK leader also talked about Europe as a whole, claiming that “we need Europe to be more political, less bureaucratic and friendlier with the European citizens.” He also stressed the need for “development policies that sets aside unemployment and austerity.” Venizelos added that now Greece has a chance to negotiate with the creditors in Europe. This meeting was followed by the proposal of Alexis Tsipras for early elections. Venizelos is clearly opposed to it, as he claimed that “the SYRIZA leader made Papoulias feel uncomfortable hearing such an unconstitutional proposal.” Greece ‘s Prime Minister Antonis Samaras will meet with President Papoulias on Thursday.