
Friday, May 16, 2014

The World Map of Exportable Products

Using data from the CIA Factbook, labeled all countries in the world with their highest valued export, creating a world map of exportable products. The map shows the main source of income of each country and also the vast differences between the continents. As expected, most countries in Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa mainly export some form of petrol or natural gas. Europe, meanwhile, is considered the world’s workshop, exporting all kinds of machinery and motor vehicles, although Belgium’s economy is founded upon its diamond trade, precious metals and minerals, while Portugal is based on agriculture. The Balkans export natural resources and clothing. Greece and Cyprus, along with Greenland and various countries in Africa and Latin America, are in the “green team” of exporters of food, beverages and agricultural products. The only countries whose exports are purely based on technological and electronic products are the U.S.A, China, Japan and Finland, while Myanmar is the only economy based mainly on exporting wood, deforestation being the military’s junta’s main contribution to global trade.