
Saturday, May 17, 2014

The last warning

by  Kassandra

The European Parliament elections might be ‘won’ by the centre-right EPP or the centre-left S&D, but the real winners will be the extremists, especially on the far-right, who may get up to a third of the seats.

Indeed it is highly likely that in France, the far right Front National of Marie LePen will top the poll, while this may happen in other countries as well, such as Greece, where the situation has got out of control and the government coalition is in state of panic.

The unfortunate and terrifying electoral outcome, however, may serve as the last warning for European society before an escalating breakout of social unrest. 

This social eruption will be the result of the Brussels/IMF forced austerity, which brought to the peoples of Europe, especially in the South, only misery, the rapid depletion of the middle class and a fast growing social class of neo-poor which will express itself politically, next Sunday, May 25.

Hopefully, the unprecedented increase of the far right in Europe, will force traditional political parties to renovate and drastically change policies.

There is only one answer; new young uncorrupt people in politics and economic relaxation. Print money in Frankfurt, push to an annual inflation of five to seven percent per year for the next five years and freezing of debts.

This inflationary move was suggested by the British economist Will Hutton several years ago. If we had listened, we would be in real recovery now.

We didn’t and the medicine still needs to be applied.

If it isn’t, I do not want even to think about what will happen.