
Monday, May 26, 2014

Pranksters Give Syntagma Square a Bubble Bath

Syntagma Square was covered in foam within minutes Sunday night, when someone threw soap into the fountain that stands in the middle. Dozens of firemen showed up to stop the bubble bath, but foam kept springing from the fountain. The square had to remain closed until the firemen washed away all the foam and replaced the water from the fountain. A police representative said: “We are studying CCTV footage. This is a serious offence, it is not something that can be dismissed as a joke. Those involved face a jail term if convicted.” The fountain is one of Athens’ most famous monuments. It has been an attractive landmark for tourists and a popular meeting point for locals. It is located in the historic Syntagma Square, the oldest and socially most important square of Athens. The square was named after the Constitution (Syntagma in Greek) that King Otto was obliged to grant after a popular and military uprise on September 3, 1843. Thus, the square holds a significant political meaning. It is worth mentioning that the Greek Parliament stands across from Syntagma Square. Athens Mayor Georgios Kaminis‘ offices are also located there.