
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Pope Francis To Be Joined By Rabbi Abraham Skorka And Omar Abboud On Holy Land Trip

VATICAN CITY (AP) - A rabbi and a Muslim leader will join Pope Francis on his upcoming trip to the Holy Land, the first time an official papal delegation has included members of other faiths, the Vatican said Thursday. Francis' two longtime friends and collaborators from his days as archbishop of Buenos Aires, Rabbi Abraham Skorka and Omar Abboud, a leader of Argentina's Islamic community, are on the official delegation for the May 24-26 trip to Jordan, the West Bank and Israel.Rabbi Abraham Skorka gestures as he is interviewed at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York Wednesday Oct. 30, 2013. (AP Photo/Tina Fineberg) The Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said their presence on the delegation was an "absolute novelty" desired by Francis to show the "normality" of having friends of other faiths. Skorka and then-Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio together wrote "On Heaven and Earth," which explores Jewish and Catholic perspectives on a host of issues. Abboud, meanwhile, was Bergoglio's main Muslim interlocutor as archbishop and recently participated in an Argentine interfaith pilgrimage tracing the key stops of Francis' upcoming tour. Omar Abboud. Francis' main aim during the trip is to mark the 50th anniversary of the historic visit to Jerusalem by Pope Paul VI, the first foreign trip by a pope. During that 1964 visit, Paul met with the spiritual leader of the world's Orthodox Christians, Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras, ending hundreds of years of estrangement between Catholics and Orthodox. Francis will meet with the current Ecumenical Patriarch, Bartholomew I, on four separate occasions during his packed three-day visit, including for a prayer service inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, one of Christianity's holiest sites where the faithful believe Jesus was crucified and resurrected. Lombardi said that service would in itself be "extraordinarily historic" given that the three main Christian communities that share the church - Greek-Orthodox, Armenian and Roman Catholic - will pray together at the same time. Prayer services at the ancient church are usually separate, with each community jealously guarding its turf and scheduling individual services.