
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Jewish tombs desecrated at Greek cemetery

Thessaloniki (Greece) (AFP) - A dozen tombs have been desecrated at a Jewish cemetery in the northern Greek city of Thessaloniki, which was home to the country's largest Jewish community until World War II, police said Friday. Unidentified vandals broke into the cemetery on Thursday and damaged flower pots and tombs, prompting the foreign ministry in Athens to denounce an "attack on the Jewish community and on the Greek people." Authorities will "do everything possible to find and arrest the perpetrators of this anti-Semitic and hateful act which runs counter to the democratic values and tolerance of Greek society", Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos said in a statement. Jewish community leader David Saltiel "deplored and condemned" the attack, ANA news agency reported, adding however that it was an "isolated incident" that had nothing to do with anti-Semitic attacks carried out in other parts of Europe.