
Saturday, May 17, 2014

International Museum Day Celebrations in Athens

The theme of this year’s International Museum Day, which is on May 18, 2014, is “Museum collections make connections.” The Athens Organization of Culture Youth and Sports will participate in the celebration with various events at the city’s most important museums. The International Council of Museums (ICOM) established International Museum Day in order to encourage public awareness about the role of museums and culture in different societies. The Acropolis Museum has organized two special gallery talks on the topics of: “The Hare of the Acropolis” and “The Moscophoros: A New Display of an Acropolis Masterpiece.” The first will take place at Sunday in English, French and Greece and they are limited to 30 participants per session. Furthermore, the museum will open its doors for free from 8am to 4pm; however, it will close early due to the Greek municipal elections. The Angela Hatzimichali Museum of Folk Art and Tradition will be open on Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 2pm, presenting the work of Angela Hatzimichali, a Greek folk specialist, in an exhibition that explores the links between contemporary and traditional artifacts. The exhibition will feature handicrafts by Artemis Alkakai, Eleni Krikki and Eleni Tzatzalos. Musical guided tours will place at the Nikos Hadjikyriakos-Ghika Gallery of the Benaki Museum, while the Hellenic Cosmos Cultural Center will offer free entrance to the exhibition to “Patterns of Magnificence: Tradition and Reinvention in Greek Women’s Costume,” as part of the International Museum Day celebration.