
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Greek Ministry of Labor Offers 100,000 Free Vacations

The Greek Ministry of Labor announced that it will offer free vacations to 100,000 employees, unemployed and pensioners. The Greek state will cover their accommodation costs for up to five nights. According to the Labor Minister, Yiannis Vroutsis, the Social Tourism program will be running from August 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. It is estimated that it will cost about 10 million dollars. The height of the subsidy will depend on the type of tourist accommodation. Those who can apply for Social Tourism vouchers are employees registered with IKA, unemployed who have been receiving unemployment benefit for at least 2 months and unemployed registered in the disabled registry of Greece’s Employment Service (OAED). Those who had participated in last year’s Social Tourism program are not eligible to receive vouchers. Beneficiaries of the program are also families with children aged 5-24 years, the spouses of the beneficiaries and assistants of people with disabilities.