
Friday, May 16, 2014

Finance Ministry’s Cleaning Staff Suspensions Deemed Unconstitutional

The First Instance Court of Athens has annulled the dismissal of 397 cleaning staff from the Greek Ministry of Finance, as their suspension was deemed unconstitutional. According to the court’s decision the cleaners must be reinstated in their positions immediately, without delay. The cleaners who had camped outside the Ministry of Finance in Athens Greece a few days ago, were excited with the outcome and celebrated their victory. Their lawyer, Yannis Karouzos said that the court decision must be executed immediately, irrespective of the Greek State’s intention to appeal adding  that the government’s suspension scheme violates constitutional rights. The court order is highly important, as it will open the floodgates for actions and appeals by other groups of public sector employees who have been suspended.  The 595 cleaners of the Finance Ministry were suspended in September 2013 and faced dismissal nine months later, on the day that the local government elections will be held, on May 18. The Greek government decided to extend the suspension period for employees who applied for a transfer.