
Thursday, May 29, 2014

680,000 Greek Children Living in Poverty

An article on the website of the newspaper “New Europe” points out the consequences of the financial crisis for Greek children. The article citing data from the Greek National Committee of UNICEF, states that about 686,000 children in Greece are facing the risk of poverty and social exclusion. As reported, the number of children living in unemployed households has increased by 70% during the last four years as unemployment has reached 28%. The living conditions of many children has worsened dramatically as their parents have also lost their social and health insurance after cuts in welfare benefits were implemented by the government. The article refers to the action of NGOs which provide food, clothing, healthcare, and even psychological support to families facing financial difficulties. Moreover, Greece’s Ombudsman and NGO data show that an increasing number of children are working to support their families. According to the national statistic service ELSTAT, about 6,000 minors were working in 2012. However it is estimated that the real number is even higher. Therefore the number of children who abandon school has also increased considerably. Eurostat statistics showed that 11.4% of students in Greece, interrupted their studies in 2012. “Every day parents call us for help. Families who are financially strained made calls to us to ask where they can get their basic needs, such as food, clothes and other essentials,” reported a social worker to “New Europe.”