
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Cycle path fails around the world

Bike lanes work better without cars, signposts or scaffolding parked in the middle of them. Here are some of the worst examples submitted by Guardian readers from around the world

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By Kirstie Sharp

14 March 2014, 20:21

Marseille is discovering bicycle paths, but it is a painful beginning.

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By Charlotte Grandjean

14 March 2014, 22:32

So this is what all this blue paint is for...

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By luckyluke77

4 March 2014, 11:39

Who cares if the bike path is useless? At least they can say that they have a whole 50m of bike bath! (Yes, what you can see is all there is to it.)

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By Dorcia

10 March 2014, 19:33

Crisis-stricken Greece. A 3 million euro cycle path coming from nowhere and going nowhere planned by someone in a far away office by drawing a random line on a map. Simply to take up certain EU funds. Work was halted three months ago because no-one has been paid.

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By siren45

16 March 2014, 19:48

In Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, Spain) our authorities have spent a lot of money "building" a non sense "cycling lane"

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By Antonio Armas Diaz

6 March 2014, 8:47

Believe it or not, this is a route into Belfast which forms part of the National Cycle Network

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By nigreenways

24 March 2014, 21:26

Actually, it's more of a parking lot than a bike path.

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By CanadianInOz

15 March 2014, 6:05

Cyclo Guerilla is tired of waiting for safe bike paths in Brussels. So they do it themselves...

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By Bram 'Kitsumi' Dewolfs

4 March 2014, 14:19

Cyclo Guerilla is tired of waiting for safe bike paths in Brussels. So they do it themselves...

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By Bram 'Kitsumi' Dewolfs

4 March 2014, 14:20

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