
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Thieves Raid House and Torture Owner’s Wife

A violent incident occurred a few days ago in the northern suburbs of Athens, Greece when ruthless thieves of Georgian origin raided the residence of a well-known Greek dermatologist and tortured his wife into revealing where their money and jewelery were hidden. At first, the unfortunate woman denied revealing the hideout and the thieves proceeded to burn her with a steam iron. The criminals broke into the house at around 4;oo p.m. startling the owners and the household assistant. They tied the doctor with neckties and locked him in a room. Then they transferred his 59-year-old wife and the 48-year-old household assistant in a separate room. The doctor’s wife was cruelly attacked as she was refusing to reveal where the money and jewelery were hidden. The thieves burned her belly and hands with the steam iron. After two hours of torture the woman revealed the hideout. The thieves took 2,000 euros, 1,500 dollars, some jewelery and left. Four days later they broke into the villa of an industrialist in Kastri, northern Athens, Greece, however the 35-year-old housekeeper managed to injure one of the perpetrators with a knife and the genetic material led the authorities to his arrest.