
Friday, February 28, 2014

The Entire Cyprus Cabinet Submitted its Resignation

The entire Cyprus cabinet submitted its resignation on Friday. President Nicos Anastasiades told reporters that he had asked the ministers to remain in their posts until he announces a reshuffle, noting that this would take place by March 15 at the latest. Ministers put their resignations at the disposal of the president ahead of an expected reshuffle following DIKO’s departure from the coalition government. Anastasiades did not say what his next move would be. “I will decide what to do in 15 days,” he told reporters outside the presidential palace. Government spokesman Christos Stylianides said that the president had asked the ministers to remain in office because of various pending issues. The upheaval also came a day after the Cypriot Parliament voted down a plan for the privatization of state assets, one of several conditions attached to the country’s international bailout. Cyprus has been divided since 1974 following a Turkish invasion after a coup led by supporters of the island’s union with Greece.