
Friday, February 28, 2014

Teacher Convicted of Making Students Hit Each Other

The court of Arta, Greece imposed a two-year suspended sentence on a teacher that apparently made his students slap their 8-year-old classmate. This unprecedented incident created a hurricane of reactions from the local community as well as all of Greece. The teacher had been temporarily suspended, following a decision by the Greek Ministry of Education. During the trial, witnesses who testified said that the teacher was encouraging his young students to restrain their classmate so he could not get out of the room. The mother of the 8-year-old victim spoke of the psychological problems that the incident caused to her child. Furthermore, she reported that after the quarrel the teacher said “that is the least of what you should get.” On his behalf, the defendant argued that such an incident never occurred, at least not in the way that it was presented. According to him all that happened was a fight between the students and he had no involvement in it. What shocked the court was the testimony of the school’s Vice Principal who said that he was informed a day after the incident about what occurred and he did not think it was important enough to deal with. The teacher’s advocates expressed their intention to make an appeal.