
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Spotlight: Greek Non-Governmental Organizations Defraud State Money

Over the past few days, the spotlight is on Greek Non-Governmental Organizations that are responsible for defrauding state money and donations through unclear and opaque procedures. What comes as a bigger surprise, is that the Greek NGO “Voluntary Corp of Greek Firemen and Reforesters” responsible for wiping out 2.4 million euros, had received vehicle donations even from the German state. This all took place last November and the Parliamentary State Secretary of Germany Hans-Joachim Fuchtel, was sent by Chancellor Merkel to be present at the Greek-German meeting. This aspect of the case restores the questions that have arisen since the disclosure of the case concerning Mr. Tzevelekos’ NGO “International Demining Centre” in relation to the NGOs selection procedure for privileges and donations. The information indicates that the case has started unraveling, after complaints on NGO’s vehicles did not meet the requirements needed. At the same time, the training center was accused of not offering the necessary certification. It is worth mentioning that a file on felony fraud was formed for three members of the NGO board, who are accused of money laundering and bribery activities.