
Friday, February 14, 2014

Seventh Athens Startup Weekend

The Athens Startup Weekend is scheduled to be held again for the 7th time in Athens, Greece,  following the previous successful events. The Startup Weekend (SW) is a global nonprofit organization aiming to bring together people of different backgrounds and of different skills, in order for them to work together and transform an idea into a business within 54 hours. Worldwide, there have been more than 1000 Startup Weekends in more than 170 countries, leading to the creation of startup businesses which enjoy great success today. The SW though is primarily a large network of innovative and passionate people with many ideas, who have the capacity and the opportunity to change the world. Individuals with innovative ideas on education will gather and create products as well as services that will revolutionize the usual market system, hence highlighting concepts like self directed knowledge, creativity, entrepreneurship, collaboration and innovation. The Athens Startup Weekend will be held on March 7, 8, and 9 at “The Athens Cube” ( Apart from its innovative theme, the event will also carry another innovation: it will be focusing on makers, which are people who love to build objects with the aim of creativity and innovation. A continuously growing list of mentors and critics will contribute to this flagship event by providing publicity and holding great and inspiring speeches. Executives from successful businesses all over Greece, like Google, Microsoft Hellas and Akto, are expected to attend the event. For more information on the event and the organization, don’t hesitate to visit the website