
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Samaras to Bild: We Won’t Need any New Packages

A video featured on the website of the German tabloid “Bild” talks about the “impressive confidence with which the Greek prime minister faces his critics” and the “passion with which he discusses the austerity measures that must be imposed.” The German journalists Kai Diekmann and Paul Ronzheimer, who recently held an interview in Athens with Antonis Samaras, describe the Greek PM as a fighter who is trying to restore his country’s credibility. The two journalists of the most critical German newspaper on Greece and its bailout program, in this video, gave their impressions on their interview, mentioning that Samaras had allocated enough time to their meeting and that we went in on all his objectives for the coming years. The journalists noted that Samaras seemed to be very well-informed about the current headline of the German newspaper, which on that day featured the statement that Greeks were richer than Germans. Samaras also agreed to talk about the proposed taxation on Greek assets and questioned the data by the European Central Bank concerning the amounts of these assets, while being optimistic that Greece is on a good track and won’t require any additional bailout packages. The German journalists noted that Samaras is struggling to regain Greece’s credibility and mentioned that the Greek finances are better now than they were two years ago, while underlining that no one is talking anymore about a possible breakup of the eurozone. The video also states that the Greek PM with his gaze upon his glass of water stated, not long ago this glass was half-empty, now it is half-full.