
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Progress at last in Cyprus

The recommencement of talks between Greek and Turkish Cypriots is encouraging (Report, 11 February). It is time, long after the Greek Cypriot Coup in 1974, that a settlement is reached. The economy of Greek Cyprus has been undermined and the political instability in Turkey is not helpful to the Turkish Cypriots.

It is stated that the discovery of oil and gas reserves has strengthened the negotiating hand of Greek Cypriots but there is an equally important asset which will be to the advantage of Turkish Cypriots. That is the piped supply of fresh water from Turkey to Northern Cyprus. This could be helpful to Greek Cyprus which has had to import water by boats from Greece.

The sharing of water and gas reserves should increase cross-border co-operation in the island. The most important element in any settlement must be the guarantee of safety and security for the Turkish Cypriot minority. John KilclooneyHouse of Lords © 2014 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds