
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Man Charged With Raping 16-Year-Old Girl in Patras

A 16-year-old girl from Patras had disappeared without a trace last Saturday after telling her parents she was going to have coffee with a friend. Today, however, she reappeared at the local police station shocked by what had happened to her. A 43-year-old man was arrested this morning and has been charged with raping and kidnapping the young girl. He is currently being held in the Patras police station. It all started a few days ago when the 43-year-old met the young girl. Last Saturday, February 8, they met for coffee and the man asked to take the 16-year-old girl back to his place. Upon arriving at his home, he raped her and held her captive refusing to let her leave the house or even call her parents. The young girl’s distraught family called the police when the girl didn’t return home. Greek police have been searching for her since Sunday. On Tuesday evening she managed to escape and run to the nearest police station where she reported the rape and kidnapping to police officers. After hearing the girl’s testimony, officers arrived at the 43-year-old man’s house in Patras and arrested him. He allegedly denies all the accusations. In order to determine his innocence, police are conducting a forensic investigation.