
Friday, February 14, 2014

How Do Your Parents Vote?

The Greek government is taking the country way back, to an era of fear and political turbulence. According to Efimerida Ton Syntakton, police headquarters in Athens have ordered regular visits of police officers to Greek schools. Many schools from various areas of the Greek capital complain about this new tactic. Some students in Keratsini were invited to the police station to give explanations on their school occupation. More specifically, police officers were instructed to visit schools on the ostensible grounds of recording possible requests or problems. The article also mentioned that the school headmasters were not informed about the reason why police asked to meet with them. It appears that the Greek police officers even requested the personal phone numbers of the headmasters and the teachers. According to Efimerida Ton Syntakton, a high school headmaster in Keratsini provided the police officers with seven names of students who participated in last October’s school occupation. Five of those students were called to the police station for a defense statement and were asked to answer some questions like “How do your parents vote? What do they do for a living? What are your professors’ political beliefs? Which of your professors were in favor of the school’s occupation? Were you motivated by your professors or a political party?” These cases have caused a severe reaction from SYRIZA which describes these tactics as a means of intimidation and terrorism. “This unacceptable tactic turns Greece’s schools into places of manipulation, control and intimidation of headmasters and professors. The oversight of the schools’ operation is solely the Education Ministry’s responsibility,” reported the major opposition party SYRIZA.