
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Elpida Volunteer Bone Marrow Donor Bank Reaches 1,100 Volunteers in a Month

The “Elpida” Association of Friends of Children with Cancer announced on Wednesday that its Volunteer Bone Marrow Donor Bank reached 1,100 volunteers within one month of operation. Elpida’s target is to reach 100,000 donors during the next three years in order to make it easier for Greek and foreign patients to find the necessary transplants. Nowadays Greece is on the lowest rung of internationally in terms of bone marrow donors, with less than 30,000 registered donors, while there are more than 23,000,000 volunteers globally. “It is an excellent initiative which comes to fill a gap that does no honour to our country,” said Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis during an event held at the ministry to support Elpida’s efforts and he stressed that “if we explain how important this effort is and how easy it is for each and every one of us, we will manage to have thousands of registrations in the Volunteers Bank and save many human lives in the next years.” The minister alongside many of the ministry’s employees registered as bone marrow volunteer donors to support Elpida’s efforts for more volunteers in the bone marrow bank. (source: ana-mpa)