
Thursday, February 27, 2014

DIKO Confirms to Quit Government

A junior partner in Cyprus’s ruling centre-right coalition (DIKO) voted to leave the government coalition on Wednesday night over disagreements with President Nicos Anastasiades concerning the terms for the resumption of talks on the Cyprus problem. Its central committee voted by 97 to 81 to uphold the recommendation of the party’s executive office to abandon the coalition due to its disagreement with a joint declaration agreed between Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu. Confirming an earlier decision of its executive committee on February 22, the Democratic Party said it would withdraw its four ministers in an 11-member cabinet. The party’s four cabinet ministers are expected to resign their posts immediately along with the chairmen of three semi-government organisations. The vote came after a marathon session that started at 4.30pm and ended at midnight. Cyprus has an executive system of government and the party’s resignation has no impact on the president. Cyprus has been divided since 1974 following a Turkish invasion after a coup led by supporters of the island’s union with Greece. (source: cyprus-mail)