
Friday, February 7, 2014

Colbert Thinks Sochi Reporters Need To Buck Up

Right now, everything that could possibly be going wrong in Sochi is going wrong. But Stephen Colbert thinks that those complaining about the ramshackle conditions in the Russian city about to host the Olympics need to stop being such crybabies. Colbert is unconcerned with the yogurt shortage the city is experiencing; in fact, he's hardly surprised, considering Russia's anti-gay policies. "Yogurt is the gayest dairy product," he proclaimed. "First of all, it's Greek style. It longs to be in the mouth of John Stamos. Need I mention, fruit on the bottom?" Journalists have reported multiple other problems, from toxic water in their hotel to shoddy infrastructure on the roads. Some of that did surprise Colbert: "Given the anti-gay laws, you'd expect Putin to cover the manholes." Check out the full clip above.