
Monday, February 24, 2014

Athens Medical Association on Influenza-Related Deaths

The laboratory-confirmed influenza in Greece that has cost the lives of 58 people and the inability of the Greek state and healthcare system to protect citizens, have caused the intense reaction of the Athens Medical Association. The Greek doctors reported that 40% of high-risk population, was unable to receive vaccination. Many pharmacists stated that the vaccine supplies were far less than necessary, while vaccines were not sent to EOPYY clinics. According to Athens Medical Association, the problem intensified in early January, when the epidemic wave arrived in Greece and there were not enough vaccines even for high-risk population. According to the Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention (KEELPNO) 58 people have already died from H1N1 virus. The low vaccination coverage of patients and the late administration of antiviral medication are critical factors that aggravate the problem. KEELPNO suggests that people belonging to high-risk groups (children and infants, pregnant women, seniors, obese people, chronic patients) should get vaccinated against the flu and be administered with antiviral medication the moment they display flu-like symptoms. The virus is currently in high-activity, but doctors estimate that flu cases are expected to decrease within the next weeks thanks to the good weather conditions.