
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Oxford University Has Created A Beautiful High-Res Version Of The Gutenberg Bible You Can View Online

One of the most famous and important books in human history is now available for viewing online in high-resolution thanks to archivists at Oxford University and the Vatican Library.

The "Gutenberg Bible" was printed by Johan Gutenberg in the 15th Century and is thought to be the first book printed using moveable type — a major technological innovation. The book is also considered to be a beautiful example of Gutenberg's expert craftsmanship.

"Produced in 1454 or 1455, the few surviving copies of Gutenberg's Bible remain exemplars of the printer’s forethought and craftsmanship; the page dimensions, it is believed, were devised by Gutenberg to echo the golden ratio of Greek aesthetics," according to Open Culture.

Oxford's copy of the Gutenberg Bible is only one of seven remaining in the world.

The Oxford and Vatican partnership is financed by a £2 million award from the Polonsky Foundation. The foundation hopes to fully digitize the ancient texts in the Bodleian Libraries at Oxford and the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Vatican Library).

Look through the gorgeous Gutenberg Bible here »

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