
Friday, November 8, 2013

Troika Go Home!

The Troika arrived in Greece again on Nov. 5 to check the books and make more demands in exchange for the second bailout check, this time $173 billion. I say send them packing. I also say get rid of the corrupt Greek government leadership, but I would approve if they first told European Union, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank folks to get back on their plane and go home. A bone of contention is that Greece is reluctant to accept the Troika position that more cuts or revenues are needed to fix a $2.7 billion hole in the budget. Prime Minister Antonis Samaras says the deficit is only $500 million. Enough. The fact that Greece is pushing back a little doesn?t change the underlying reality. Despite what ?experts? outside of Greece are saying, those of us who know the people, culture, history, and values know that the current approaches are wrong and only do damage to Greek citizens.