
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Maine Students Hear Ancient Greek Wars Effects

PORTLAND, Maine - Ancient Greek theater produced much of the world?s timeless stories of love, tragedy, comedy and human existence and is still teaching lessons today, including how the warriors of those times ? who fought face-to-face and hand-to-hand with swords and whatever else they had, dealt with the damaging effects of combat. To link the past to today?s Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) seen in some veterans, New York-based theater director Bryan Doerries took tales from ancient Greek to put on a performance in a Portland, Maine High School theater as a way to get going a community discussion about PTSD among veterans, their families and caregivers. For a little over half an hour, an audience of about 100 or so listened to the words of Sophocles, a playwright who was also a general.