
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Greece Remembers Anti-Junta Uprising, 40 Years Later

ATHENS - In the midst of an economic crisis, rising social unrest and political turmoil, Greece nonetheless will pause on Nov. 17 to recall the dramatic events that occurred in 1973 with the heroic uprising against the ruling military junta by students at the Polytechnic School of Athens. The events are perhaps lost on today?s younger generations but images being broadcast on Greek television and the words of those who were there to stare down a tank and soldiers, sparking a revolution that brought down the government of dictators in 1974 still abounded. But ceremonies marking the moment, including the placing of flowers on the spot where a tank broke through a metal gate at the school, setting off resistance that led to a still-uncertain number of deaths, were to take place against the backdrop of workers angry over austerity measures and the government trying to dismantle the extremist Golden Dawn political party.