
Saturday, November 2, 2013

During Crisis, More Greeks Turn to Bikes

ATHENS - Greece may no longer be in the headlines everyday, but the Mediterranean country is still struggling hard ? with an end to ?recession? nowhere in sight. Is this actually helping the bike sales? In a way yes, because people are now seeking the most sensible way to commute. Eurostat figures show bicycle imports grew almost 5% last year, from 190,000 units in 2011 to 199,000 units in 2012. However, the total value of the trade went down from ?16.8 million to ?15.6 million, bringing an average retail price in the area of ? 200. Consumption stayed in the area of 300,000 units, with national manufacturer Nikos Maniatopoulos still holding the strongest position in the market. The factory in Patras is home to assembly for all kinds of bikes, and also serves as a hub for distribution of Shimano, Scott, and other brands in the Balkan area.