
Thursday, November 14, 2013

BIBLIA: "Three" is the Anti-300

Even with its many influences on Western civilization and American culture, there is precious little the average citizen knows about ancient Greece and its people. We learn a bare bones summation of its social and political structure (or at least we did when I went to school), hold it up as the great progenitor of Western civilization and move on by. Learn the myths, learn some bullet point descriptions of each city state, boil it all down to a simple black and white picture of a people easily codified and move on to the next chapter. In popular culture the bits and pieces we all learned about as children imbue so much that they have become not so much historical references as things invented solely for fantasy novels. In truth, and it shouldn?t be too surprising, this one dimensional interpretation couldn?t be the furthest thing from the truth and Kieron Gillen?s newest book takes one small step to rectify this.