
Thursday, October 17, 2013

The National Herald Turns Sweet 16

On October 17, 1997, some 16 years ago, The National Herald was launched - not because we were overstaffed or under worked, but to meet a need for a news outlet to bring the news of our community, of Greece, and of Cyprus to Greek-Americans in English, as we had done in Greek for almost a century. We have continued to strive to be not just any paper, but a quality paper. In fact, the Greek paper of record. It has not been a smooth journey, but we have tested the ship and it has proven seaworthy. Above all, we are grateful to have gained your trust. But we are not resting on any laurels, and are careful not to fall victim to complacency. If nothing else these past 16 years have been a period of preparation for what needs to be done in the future. Namely, to keep improving the quality of journalism and keep pace with the rapid advances of technology.