
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Stavros Niarchos Foundation and Spiros Voutsinas Honored by Queens Library Foundation

LONG ISLAND CITY ? ?If you put a good book in the hands of a good person you can change the world.? Spiros J. Voutsinas, President and CEO of Atlantic Bank, heard those words from his mother growing up in Greece. She would have been proud to see him on October 7 being honored at the 2013 fundraising Gala of the Queens Library Foundation for being a ?Children?s Champion.? The Stavros Niarchos Foundation was also lauded for ?for its unwavering commitment to public libraries and support for disaster relief efforts at Queens Library and throughout the world,? at the Water?s Edge restaurant on the bank of the East River in Long Island City. Cheryl Wills, author, television anchor and reporter for NY1 was the MC and all proceeds supported the Foundation?s Futures Fund, which provides support for children?s library materials and programs.