
Monday, October 14, 2013

Samaras Quarterbacking Recovery Amid Worries

ATHENS - Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras has gone on the offensive at home and abroad, seeking leverage as the spotlight in Europe?s financial-crisis drama returns to the country where it began. Cracking down on a nationalist party linked to a murder and telling Europe his budget cuts are ahead of target, Samaras wants more aid for a nation that has already been showered with 240 billion euros ($325 billion) in pledges. A meeting of euro finance ministers in Luxembourg will signal how Europe will help Samaras, in office for 16 months, remain in power. Mired in the sixth year of a recession that has driven unemployment to a record 28 percent, Samaras is positioning for a third bailout as he clings to a five-seat majority in the 300-member parliament. ?Samaras is under continuous pressure at home because of the high level of despair and anger among citizens,? Janis Emmanouilidis, Director of Studies at the European Policy Centre in Brussels and a regular visitor to Greece, said