
Friday, October 11, 2013

Illegal Immigration Fuels Greek Violence Colin Freeman- The Telegraph

By Colin Freeman- The Telegraph As musical genres go, Greek anti-fascist rap is one of the more niche ones, and it's probably fair to say that until recently, not many folks outside of his home country had heard of Pavlos Fyssas. A 34-year-old who sang under the name Killah P, his lyrics railed against the Greek Far Right ? not the military junta who ruled from 1967 to 74, but the Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party, whose MPs goosestepped their way into parliament last year on an anti-immigrant ticket. Fyssas's face has been all over Europe's TV screens, having become a martyr to his cause. On September 18, he was stabbed to death, allegedly by a member of Golden Dawn who set upon him in a pre-meditated assault.