
Friday, October 4, 2013

Golden Dawn has links with Germany

by  NEOnline

Greece's neo-nazi Golden Dawn party has links to right-wing groups in Germany according to Berlin's interior ministry. One of them is the National Party, NPD, which appears to have similar ties with groups in a number of European countries. 

"There are individual contacts between the Golden Dawn and NPD», the German Interior Ministry said in reply to a parliamentary question from the Left Party (Die Linke) filed last March. According to the document, the NPD's most important contacts are with like-minded groups and figures in the Netherlands, Spain ,Czech Republic, Ukraine and Hungary.

The Interior Ministry also stated that it has no confirmed evidence that the Greek party has set foot in Germany. However, it has information on individual Golden Dawn contacts, not only with the NPD but with other right-wing collectives including the neo-Nazi network «Freie Netzwerk Sud». According to the federal government , "the strengthening of right-wing parties is not a phenomenon confined to Greece ."

Golden Dawn's leader, deputy leader and an MP were imprisoned this week. They are accused of running a criminal gang. Another three of the parties MP's have been released pending trial, one of them on bail. The other two have been barred from leaving the country. 

The arrests took place after a self-confessed Golden Dawn supporter killed Palvos Fyssas, an anti-Nazi activist and rapper in mid-September. Tens of Golden Dawn members have been questioned  on a number of criminal cases and some are still wanted by the police.