
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

FBI Probes Tips About Girl in Greek Gypsy camp

KANSAS CITY, Missouri (AP) ? The FBI is looking into whether a child found at a Gypsy camp in Greece is a missing U.S. girl, although the children's ages don't appear to match. FBI spokeswoman Bridget Patton said that the 2-year-old disappearance of Lisa Irwin from her Kansas City home remains an open investigation and that agents follow up on all tips. Patton said the agency began receiving calls after the image of a girl found with a Gypsy couple appeared in media reports. A couple charged with abducting the girl has been put in custody, as an international search for the child's biological parents intensifies. A dental examination showed the mystery girl, known only as 'Maria,' is older than previously thought, 5 or 6 years old instead of 4. Lisa Irwin would turn 3 in November.