
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Venizelos Says No More Bailouts, Austerity

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Greece does not require a third bailout and can cover its needs without further burdening its current backers, by improving the terms of its debt and possibly returning to the bond market next year, the country's deputy prime minister said on Sept. 25. Evangelos Venizelos, who is also foreign minister in a coalition government, is determined not to impose losses on Greece's European Union partners and the International Monetary Fund, which have pulled the troubled country from the brink of bankruptcy with about 240 billion euros ($325 billion) so far. 'We understand very, very well how difficult it is for every government to accept debt relief. ... Our demand is not debt relief. It is additional re-profiling without problem, without additional burden for our institutional partners,' Venizelos said in an interview with top editors at Reuters in New York.