
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Ovechkin Carries Sochi Torch for Russia

ANCIENT OLYMPIA, Greece (AP) ? Using the sun's rays, the Olympic flame lighting for the Winter Games in Sochi went off without a hitch in southern Greece on Sept. 29, ahead of its journey across Russia's nine time zones and even a trip to space before the Feb. 7-23 games. The ceremony was held with actresses dressed as ancient priestesses at the birthplace of the Greek games held in antiquity, with the flame lighting using a parabolic mirror. Actress Ino Menegaki, in the role of high priestess, called out to the ancient god of the sun, Apollo, before the flame was lit and passed to 18-year-old Greek alpine skier Ioannis Antoniou. NHL star Alex Ovechkin was the first Russian involved in the torch relay.Newly-elected International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach was present at the 20-minute ancient re-enactment, involving 21 priestesses dressed in cream-colored pleated dresses.