
Monday, September 2, 2013

Merkel wins narrow victory over Social Democrat rival in pre-election TV clash

German chancellor and Steinbrück debate jobs, pay, eurozone crisis, NSA spy scandal and much else in live broadcast

Chancellor Angela Merkel won a narrow victory over her main political rival on Sunday in a tense live televised debate in advance of the German elections on 22 September.

Of the estimated 20 million viewers of the clash between Merkel, for the Christian Democrats, and Peer Steinbrück of the Social Democrats, 44% of those polled declared the chancellor to be the winner, while 43% thought her opponent was more effective.

Over 90 minutes the candidates covered issues spanning the eurozone crisis, Germany's tax system, health, low wages and the NSA spy scandal.

The primetime debate, broadcast on four channels, was predicted to enliven an uninspired election campaign. Four journalists – including a popular entertainer – interrogated Merkel and Steinbrück, who were allowed up to 90 seconds to answer each question. Merkel was twice reprimanded for having spoken for too long.

The two clashed over German jobs, with Steinbrück declaring that 7 million Germans earned less than €8.50 (£7.20) an hour, and Merkel saying her government had boosted the number of jobs during its four years in office by 1.9 million. Germany, she said, was Europe's "growth motor" and "stability anchor", and Germans would be motivated to vote "by the question who can the people trust more that Germany continues to do well".

Steinbrück said if he was elected, Germans would be better off at the end of his four-year term, and his party would ensure greater "social justice" by ushering in a national minimum age as well as higher taxes.

Merkel's red, gold and black necklace – the colours of the German flag – won the social-media vote, becoming the most discussed aspect of the debate on Twitter. The necklace, which was dubbed the kanzlerkette (chancellor chain), provoked its own spoof account on the micro-blogging website.

On the NSA scandal, Merkel said the controversy had highlighted "the need to strengthen international data protection". Steinbrück paid tribute to whistleblower Edward Snowden for his "civil courage" and for having triggered a vital debate.Merkel ruled out German participation in any military intervention in Syria, and said a collective stance by the international community through the United Nations was necessary.

Amid expectations that Greece will require a third bailout this autumn, Steinbrück attacked Merkel's management of the euro crisis. Merkel retorted that he had repeatedly voted in favour of her euro policies in parliament, and reminded him it was under SPD leader Gerhard Schröder that Greece had been let into the eurozone.

Pollsters will be looking closely to see if the debate will affect the two main parties' standing in the polls. An opinion poll ahead of the debate had given Merkel's conservative CDU/CSU bloc 41% of the vote, which could allow her to remain in power with her liberal pro-business partners, the FDP. The Social Democrats were trailing with just 26%.

It is predicted that the debate could influence about 5% of voters, enough to determine the outcome.

If reelected on 22 September, Merkel would become Europe's longest serving female leader.

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